A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just Do It.


If you aren't in Olympia right now with the crowd on the Capital steps demanding a vote on the proposal to impeach Cheney and Dubya, you should send a nice reminder mail to your "representatives", e.g.:

To: brown.lisa@leg.wa.gov, eide.tracey@leg.wa.gov, chopp.frank@leg.wa.gov, murray.edward@leg.wa.gov, spanel.harriet@leg.wa.gov, regala.debbie@leg.wa.gov, rockefeller.phil@leg.wa.gov

Legislators of the 110th:

Provide leadership by moving SJM 8016 to the floor for a vote.
Either take a real stand now for the Republic and the People you
serve, or be counted as colaborationists by coddling the criminals in
the Administration.

Citizen j in 2008!!


atom feed:

So easy to do, so easy to see why it should be done.
So do it.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Wealth of Internationals

Money As Debt

The only puzzle piece omitted from this succinct and informative vid is the bigest lie of all: The Myth Of Land Ownership, which is the meme driving the whole process. You think you need money because you think you can own land. Think about it.

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Page Checking

TiS kicked the can in my head forming over the Virginia Tech Massacre with this post.

Sky News posted this image on their server at 10:10 AM.

This man apparently had nothing to do with the massacre, as it was apparently one man acting alone who perpetrated the killings.

Running traceroute, BRB.

'K. It's a UK server.

So at 10:10 in the morning (5am US Eastern) on the 16th a picture of an asian man getting arrested was posted on the Sky servers. File had been edited at 9:10am (4:10 am USE). Hours later, when the events unfolded and the story was run, this picture ran with it (Caption: "A man is arrested by police") although the suspect allegedly died at the end of the day's slaughter.

Just so we're clear on the workflow.

Soul Coughing - Unmarked Helicopters

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Congressional Tenure and The Death Of Sri Lenny

Tro' Da Bums Out!

Tenure Corrupts

America, stop fucking around.

Look, if you're not going to own your vote in the presidential election, which you don't seem to want to do, you're going to have to attack the cycle of aristocratic carreerism that perpetuates the corrupt cronyism of American One-Two Party Politics™ at the Legislative level. The logic of term limits is undeniable. Allowing Federal legislators to pursue careers makes them into politicians instead of statesmen. It turns a civic duty into a mealticket. It provides a throne for dynastic ambition, and makes those who sit upon it more concerned with maintaining the position than actually doing their job, thus they use the power of the position to insure thier continued tenure. This paradoxically engenders both partisan polemics and centrist infidelity, as the career politicians seek to curry the favor of current idealogue pundits while maintaining a status-quo of overall inaction.

All of this would change if the prize of re-election was removed. Mandating limits of 1 term for Senators and 3 for Representatives would allow 6 years for the office holder to concentrate on doing the job they were elected to do while removing the means to perpetuate careerism.

It's Common Sense.

Look at your "representatives". They have betrayed all the popular interests that put the there, both Democrat and Republican. The war drags on, with no end in sight. The borders remain open, the immigration reform promised to the GOP is bogged down in endless committee. Carl Rove remains free to dance the Cabbage Patch at whim. Marriage is still open to interpretive legislation by individual states, and social security remains on the "to-do" list with the rest of the buerocratic bungles and unsorted piles of red tape that pass for government agencies. This "to-do" list will continue to grow, since it provides an endless source of talking points and strawman pillaries while justifying continued funding of commitees, study groups and programs purporting to be "solutions".

New lamps for old, full of the same snake-oil that stunk up the place with obscuring clouds of black smoke to begin with.

Throw the bums out.

Sri Lenny

P J Harvey - Rid of Me

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Before i take you to Al and Ed's place, perhaps you'd like to read up on the fallout of the Ottoman Enclosure Acts?


'K. Mais oui, we

French Thee Japanese!

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 1

Don't you fear, my little American Yankee Doodles, there is but this first in Francais for you. The rest, we have the English fansubs.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 36

FMA is actually quite the mirror of our world, in both of it's worlds, one of which IS our world, circa World War II.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 37

First of all, it's about fascism, and the casual evils of following orders.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 38

Secondly it instructs of the greater evils afforded the morally corrupt when they are given the resources of a society to draw upon and the cloak of national security to hide under.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 39

These themes weave around a skein of universal truth expressed as The Law of Equivalent Exchange, an alchemical version of the laws of conservation. It should be noted that this law is a real law in our universe, very important to those of us who have...agreements to navigate.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 40

There are Fuhrers and Homuniculi, madmen and manifestations of military machination; and the greatest horrors are those that humans exact upon thier own kind out of predjudice, indifference and duty with common tools, fire and guns.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 41

Genocides and coverups make the godlike National Alchemists powerless to control their own fascist government, and the Black Gate ties them to the nuclear holocausts and Nazi death-camps of our continuum with a web of fate powered by the souls of those devoured by the endless wars of both worlds.

Good times indeed for two kids trapped in cyborg auto-mail due to hard lessons in The Real Truth™: Equivalent exchange doesn't by any means have to work both ways. Sometimes an arm and a leg just get paid to the Void and you don't get shit. If you can still complain about it, you got a good deal.

Full Metal Alchemist n0. 42

If you can't find a metaphor in Isballa, just grove on Lust's chassis for a spell.

I'm sure you can Google the rest of the story.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shi Pew Den

Just as an aside, 100% of the hackerz in this room use Dvorak keyboards. Remember, i'm NOT a hacker, either. I'm Qwerty 4 l1f3, know this.

I had a lot more bile to vent; no idea where it went.

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