A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Real

Pals of Palestinians Precariously Placed

It not only can happen here, it does.


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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


One-Handalone ClaPlayer

WTC 7 - Audit that, biotchesez!!!

Candidate's comment to Popular Mechanics:
I think Canada did it to take our attentions away from their assumption of Bechtel's bid-list; and although i would like to believe that Pop Mechanics' armchair CSI is plausible as much as i would the standard Truther™ fable (that Dubya and his Illuminati freinds used alien C4), niether get my timeslice. I require hard lab forensics, and you both have missed the option for an actual inquiry by years.

All the evidence is gone.

So, only speculative sleuthing is left.

Start with motive.
I'd put Kaliph S Moha' as prime suspect at this point; he's the one with a stated threat AND a prior attempt. 9-11 would have been a successful life's work for him. However, his cabal wasn't particularly good at IT (International Terrorism), being moled out in the 90's; he's no Jackal.

Ideologues are the exception among criminal masterminds, though. Most are just greedy. Thus the next most likely suspect is a profile familiar in New York; an inspecific slumlord, one who has a partner who's into development and another in demolitions, maybe another in industrial scrap. Remember, the bullion in the basements was moved out too.
Next would be Haliburton, for real; even a 5th grader could see by the time tower 2 came down that we were going to war with Iraq, and that meant a cash payoff for our usual suspects in war profiteering.

I'm sure a couple more cabals could be reasonably suspected prior to adding our Sunni allies in Afganistan to the list of criminally motivated, and without a money trail i really don't see them motivated enough to spend as much as was required to train, inject and house the agents here who pulled it off.

First, follow the money. Who benifits? The benificiary or Bin Laden? How much cash is being/has been spread around as opposed to lump-sum dropped on particular companies involved in the properties affected?

I mean, IF you want to get at an answer. If you just want to bitch about a bitch's demand for a real investigation and give the rest of us no real meat from EITHER camp, do by all means keep playing the 9-11 Truth™ Game with the conspiracy crowd.

I know I sure love it. It's refreshing to have so many people in the country around me dance around the real issues and throw shit at each other.

No wonder we still have the electoral college embarassment...

/C_j's comment

Oh, do let's all jump on the lesbian for actually talking about a politically pertainant issue.

Gloria Stienem: GynaGatekeeper

W/E. I'm telling you, drop it. Time's wasting, and there's no aliens coming to give you more.

Simian Suffrage?

The Dems will put a woman or a black up. This will give you a Republican president in 2008, even if the popular vote disagrees. Congress will allow Dubya's agenda to play out, since that's what Congress does is facilitate the ruling cabal's agenda.

Unless you limit their terms.

Tro' Da Bums Out!

Tenure Corrupts

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

All Hail The New Flesh


We assume that the mechanism driving evolution is competition, or rather the laisez faire clockwork of interactions known as natural selection. This hypothesis rests on the idea that some better-suited individuals of a given species are afforded more reproductive oportunities due to thier adaptations, which presumes a situation of scarcity. Scarcity would be neccesary in order to offer the less adapted naught but deprivation, rather than merely less food or water or shelter. Less would be subsistence level, not enough for removal from the gene pool.

See where i'm going with this?

I've mentioned the myth of scarcity before, and although i've tried to allude to it's importance in human affairs i haven't mentioned the fact that accepting it as a primae causae for competition severly disables most of the arguments for mechanisms of natural selection. We see natural selection at work only in areas of actual scarcity, like deserts or the ocean floor, volcanic areas and caves, the Arctic or the complex minute ecosystems of bookshelves. Here the environment is less than nurturing, and life has to adapt to survive. These are exceptions to the general rule of thumb here on Terra, which is an unusually temperate and hospitable world with over 3/4 of it's surface offering not only a living but an easy living for almost any life form. Thus, there is no scarcity of resources, no need to compete.

Yet most creatures do, or rather act as if they need to. This is almost universal.


The obvious fact that a meme as complex as the myth of scarcity is part of the conscious processes of millions of different species, including plants, is too much for me to ask you to contemplate. So ignore that path.

Let's focus on what mechanism could possibly supplant natural selection as the mechanism for evolution now that it's debunked, which (like it or not) it is. No, not the grandmotherly compassion of Maha Deva Kali Maa (Jai jai!); full moon on April Fools notwithstanding i am assured that She wants no part in taking responsibility for the infinate permutations of specific petty greed that are involved. So what drives genetic change, other than sporadic mutations?


D'oh. Choices, the obvious choice. It is will that drives individual ambition, which is spurred by species specific ambition. How would this affect the genome, you ask?

Regardezvous, si vous plait o non, the Calico Cat.

It has been observed, even in big cats, that when the biome niche of a given feline is threatened there will be produced a Calico, a female whose locii contain all possible attributes for the species. This mother-of-mothers will produce in turn cats of all stripes, literally.

See, other animals know about genetics too, and practice genetic engineering on a much more intimate level than we do. This explains the evolution of certain traits in the natural record that seem to spring up overnight, like sabre-toothing. This explains how the proto-pachydermata returned to the sea as cetacea, and how a scrawny chimp/bonobo with only one set of opposable thumbs became the bald ape typing this now.

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, kinder, and i posit thus:

Own your self, own your future.

Start with your vote. It's a small step towards returning to the evolutionary process. Because unlike evolution, devolution really is driven by natural selection. The more evolved will not mix with the common herd, and will most probably be trampled underfoot.

219 years and you STILL don't have the vote, sucker.

Change the Electoral Genome.
Demand Direct Democracy NOW.

Common Sense.

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