This is not a rape joke.
Yeah, i decided against the Full Rape Joke For Christmas thang i was cookin' up. Not to scare th' Villagers, and all. Call me puss, call me soft on JudeoChrIslamicist Usurpation of Pre-Roman Custom. Call me Ishmael, W/e; just don't you fucking look at me.
BTW~ RE: Pakistankania- Please, don't say that Democracy may be in danger there, too? OMGWTF?!? They™ said it couldn't happen there.
Sri Bhutto: En Memoriae
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I love the way this one is unraveling. Al Qu'e D'oh? Ex-KGB? She hit her head on the sunroof handle? We know it couldn't have been recently-civilianized coup-d'creed Demagogue d'Magog Musharef; but any other crazed theories as to who assassinated Sri Benezir Bhutto may turn out to be as plausible and/or mandatorily acceptable in lieu of elections as the latest Official Word™.
(Segue? Way!)
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Allzy'all can't see this blogs stats, so let me explicate what it means to be one of those who are still with Us™ at this point. In the last couple months if deliberately tried to affect numbers one way or the other, at one point getting the bravest of Thee, Nase, to comment cautionarily. I Came upon Thee Rape Joke idea'r, and have now whittled Readership™ down to one quarter what it was in October (On average; i'm not counting the hellza-scary 500+ pageviews day, which i attribute to scripts-n-B0tz)
So i assume that the 50-someodd of you are not one person. I assume that 10 of you are indeed B0tz. I assume 10 more are random cruise-throughs. 10 more are...what, Moderators? Nah. I'm a Mod somewhere myself; either they'd call me on something or pull it. ThierSpace Mods DO watch my pics, since i'm flag'd due to the Pr0nB0t Endorsement, Regardez:

See how long it lasts this time.
At any rate, i assume there's about 20 of you, half of whom are p33pz i personally ACTUALLY know, as in R/L; i have touched some in their sleep (perhaps), or stolen food from; helped move, obtain or dispose of something or one. These are folks whom about 5 of which i have confidence in thier ability to discern the difference between the above and the below.
The continuum explicit in the confluence of money and power which draws our collective along in it's wake even as it drives us to carry it, aka Them™, is a very real nexus of men and lies whose angle of reproach is deliberately obscured.
Invasion of the Katrinians
Enclosure 2007
Against Lord Gentry
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Yes, yes. They™ always get More. Why? Well, because some of us will take stuff from the rest of us by force if told to do so. Even if its stuff like orchards, or the airwaves. Pretty shitty, huh? The fact that only 5 of you (plus Nase, but he's a Non-American so that don't help us none) care to try to grok this means that of the 10 people i don't know...well, probably 5 are with Them™.
Luckily They™ are cheap and lazy. Tnx Gawd 4 teh cumbrrsum beurocraci3z.
A B0tScr1b3 summed it up like this for me the other day:
- From: "lyddite West"
Subject: Buy ED VIRAGRAOnline Secure omrder, low priczes and fast, discvreet shipping wonrldwide.
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:37:12 +0000
Order Teoday Get Tvomorrzow - SOFTGTABKSand mauny morke.
Oh, you neednt worry about that either, Raskolnikov went on in the
same tone. People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for
saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily
so in fact. One thing only is clear, that the appearance of all these
grades and sub-divisions of men must follow with unfailing regularity
some law of nature. That law, of course, is unknown at present, but I
convinced that it exists, and one day may become known. The vast mass
mankind is mere material, and only exists in order by some great
by some mysterious process, by means of some crossing of races and
stocks, to bring into the world at last perhaps one man out of a
thousand with a spark of independence. One in ten thousand perhapsI
speak roughly, approximatelyis born with some independence, and with
still greater independence one in a hundred thousand. The man of genius
is one of millions, and the great geniuses, the crown of humanity,
appear on earth perhaps one in many thousand millions. In fact I have
not peeped into the retort in which all this takes place. But there
certainly is and must be a definite law, it cannot be a matter of
Oh yes. We'll be touching on this "Law" some more some future some.
Bring The Paine
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Here's some up-beat stories from the Occupied Terror-Tories. No really! Aljazeera got positively positive about Christmas in Nablus. W/e.
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A'ight, Crakaz. Mad love for NYE; anybody in SeaTown who knows of fucking ANYTHING worth going out for or to PLEASE lemme know. Otherwise it's bottlerockets and rattlecans for all your picket fences. Maybe some.
Be Social To Each Other, and Steal Time From Work.
Labels: assassination, bhutto, conspiracy, democracy, enclosure, illuminatti, Israel, Nablus, palestine, reptilian, video