Seattle Peepz: Prick Up Yer Ears.
[my Glistening Globes of Tara's Randier Sister, the trainyard sounds sooooooooo coool right now, hoo-boy.....fucking HAVE to record that before next weekend...]
Recods, tools, computers, clothes, furniture, antiques, fosiles, labidariatae, books, books, books. A Scooter. A 7' tall Shyfloria Macrofoliia in a 300-dolla' ceramic pot that i don't even think will fit out the front door. $400 of high end home-entertainment system and a few dumpster-rebound boomboxes.
Everything must go.
I repeat:
Everything must go.
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Here's an ad i found for the 1947 Remington Rand, which clearly showed the font-banger in question in stark Vintage B/W prior to my obscurative reductio imago ad absurdastiumnatae-ishness.

Everything must go,
whether overpriced or no;
beloved, hated, overlooked in utility or whimsy;
washed, soiled, spewed-upon or unopened;
silver, lead or potasium-based;
crystal or broken plastic.
Dis Shit's Gotta Go.
Hence, it is most certainly on till dawn:Ms K 'n' Jakz
Sale Of The Centre
10:00am 'till this fucking condo is as barren as a Chernobyl debutante,
so, "wassa', Seattle Sea-Apples?!?!
Get Thee Some, Some!
(contact Cj via baphometster at gmail da' commie for address)
Tool - Disgustapated (trak 69)
Labels: gentrification, liquidation, packrattery, sales, scooters