On Enclosure and Mandatory Obsolescent Consumption as Culture
On Enclosure and Mandatory Obsolescent Consumption as Culture
LOne GunMeN - [auto]Pilot
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Hai, Happy Summer. The above drek is an example of shtick imitating futurelife imitating life, with the later being an insurance/redevelopment racket imitating a Machiavelian coup d'grace false-flag op imitating action by a grass-roots fundamentalist strike cell. Below is some relational mapping pertainant to the understanding of US Zionism as Foreign Policy Renderer.
The Compassionator of the Brookings Institution
Muckety Mapping
srry, we're busy. Just nod and try to catch up on background during your dayshift, plz k thnx.
This is Enclosure.

A Homestead Impinged.
NOLA Enclosure
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We here at InterBai U are now a mere month from the auction block, where Ms K's blood, sweat and innumerable tears/fistholes left in walls for the past 7 years will be transferred in a forced short-sale to parties unknown.
Forclosure is Enclosure with compound interest built into an insurable commodity share, tradable as an optionable future or a real good.

"We don't care where you go but you can't work here anymore."
¡FkN NewZ!
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A condo is an air property, a floating idea of land that one may own or pay for as if owning, but whose actual value is totally dependent upon the leverage of the whole complex it is a part of. It is rather like a trailer house that one can't move.
A Tesco Jail is a portable detention unit, developed by the Masters of Control in the UK.
Tesco Jail
Do the maths; Direct Democracy Now.
Enclosure as it impinges on the world today is largely flavored by the Anglo-Dutch financiers who perfected it in the Europe that made Them™ rich transnational dynasties to begin with. It never stops, and always has a new crisis and cure to offer the growing throngs of disenfranchised production units it continually herds into tighter zones.
O Bomba Baraka
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Some folks see the sickness by it's symptoms, which is at least an acknowledgement of disfunction. At this point, i just encourage these folk. They see what humans do, they see the effects as wrong and doomed. They want a better Way™. This is as good a grasp as one can expect of the bald monkey.
You've Got Is'mael
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It is nowhere near enough to begin to combat the Combine. One must Gnow of the Hydrae, sing it's myths and root out it's true nature and origin to grasp the specifics of what must be done to slay it.
D'0w! Chemical Combinatikz
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It is unreasonable and illogical to expect focus and targeted actions from most of the bald monkey people, but those that are awake have begun the process of teaching themselves to think as individuals about what the collective is and must become.
Fish Stapler
[dailymotion id= ]
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They are seeing the Braid for the first time, the lifeline that is woven of humans, things humans cultivate for consumption, and the land that bears both.
Against Enclosure
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For those of you who are truly ready to Be, watch the following series. It is created with specific intent to incite local unilateral collateral loss propagations. We will Gnow the Hydrae, and feed it into it's own Combine one head at a time.
It's A Small World According to Monsanto, Et Al
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Labels: bilderberg, deathculture, dow, enclosure, land, monsanto, relational maps