A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hot Unilateral Action

Last fall i had an idea to begin an all-out viral meme offensive against the worst and most directly involved offenders of the military-industrial complex. This meant targeting the troops themselves, the sacrosanct First 4 Columns, the Second Estate, Our Brave Heroes™. Not a popular target. This is why i am the scourge of American Leftism™ (in addition to my actually being Leftist): i call Bullshit on the alleged non-culpability of the willing tool used in commision of a crime. Guns don't kill people, but people who opt for a career as Gun-for-Hire do, and should be vilfied for this selfish and elementarially unethical descision.

Fuck the Second Estate; who are more an extension of the oligarchy "Nobility" that usurped this eponymous entitlement every day, who betray the class whose bodies fill their rank and file, who use the myth of patriotic bravery to disguise cowardly acts of thugish recklessness. Murder is murder, rape is rape, inhumanity is inhumane by identity alone regardless of blanket apologies or oxymoronic reasoning proffered by bureaucracies to justify sanctioned violence. There is no such thing as a "pre-emptive strike" or a "defensive incursion"; there is only an attack or a defence.

BTW, "defense" is spelled "defence" in English, due to the "c=s and s=z if followed by e" rule of phonetics. "Defence", as in "of (de) border guard (fence)". The spread of the misspelling meme has me a tad concerned.

I realize that blanket blaming all military professionals is perhaps unproductive, but it is nonetheless a logical ethical argument. Consider it collective punishment. The Troops™ can be Gaza to my Israel. My chosen clusterbomb: derision of manhood by allegation of homosexuality. First objective for surgical strike: The SOA.

US Foreign Policy Is A Rape Joke: Take 4



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The School of the Americas, now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Co-operation (WHISC, onomonopaediac if one considers the sounds of sweeping something under a rug) has been the public face on US-sponsored state terrorism since the Bay of Pigs. Operation Condor, the Biafra Wars, Pol Pot, Los Bros Hussain and of course the Taliban all trace their sense and insensibilities to this little piece of publicly funded Hell in Florida. Senior thesis work and internships are done across the water at Guantanimo Bay. This involves explaining the utility of rape as a deterrent to whistleblowers, organizers, and participants in democracy.

So our target demographic is men from 18-34 with social integration dysfuntia who enjoy physical activity in close proximity to other men; and who need to be taught why they should rape women even when previously given blank checks for perpetrating every sort of vile violation on other humans. This implies that the average cadet at this school needs encouragement to violate women, in fact needs specific mission-critical instruction as to why they shouldn't just concentrate on the testicular techniques they had so eagerly soaked up in the classes prior.

These guys are gay.

Not "Gay", uppercase, which is an entitlement of honor meaning that the person, place, thing or nouned verb in question is Fabulous and/or homosexual. The American Boys' Schoolboys are "gay", lowercase, which is a term of derision originating with straight men directed at people, places, things or nouned verbs which we find to be a waste of time. Like a caucus, a perfect example of an event where tasteless idiots clammor ass-over-cockholster for the opportunity to wear a styrofoam straw hat and have red white and blue bunting pounded into their urethrae by a surrogate SuperDelegate™ while voicing the preference that their Party Boss has told them to chose in the hotly bid-upon cakewalk of Deusche or Turd Sandwich.

Fucking gay, is what that waste of time is. So is the action of giving it lip service.

So is every man and woman working at Gitmo.

I ran the semantics past a friend who i consider quite an intellect, a lab manager from another state who has been a proud member of the homosexual communitee since...well, since right about now. He's Gay, sure, but he has a life and shit; perhaps i shouldn't have made him spokesmench for all of homosexual America but i did and i'm not really sorry about it since he saw where i was coming from, understood what the use of "gay" to a straight man meant as far as he could, was intrigued by the use of "Gay" as a proper entitlement (like "Hispanic" or "White") and by the idea of retooling a word for the mutual empowerment of opposed demographics by fully schisming it into a proper noun and a common gerund ("Black" vs "black"). He said "OK." srry.

So that's why the above song got released. No offense meant to True Gays, Poms, or WTFE; and i don't mean to lump allzy'all in with the likes of Dubya, either. You're all Golden to me; Know This.

Moving on. Turns out that Leap Year worked a number on Black History Month. Now it's Black History Year, and i'm the Cracka what's gonna make it stick.

Aye To Eyemran



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Saint Sri Georgie "Old Fuck" Carlin is back, of course, with new shtick.

Sri Carlin: It's Bad For Ya



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Oh, yeah. It's Black History Year, All Year. Did i mention that?

Eddie Griffin: Dysfunctional Family



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That is all from Central at this time-code. Remember to enjoy yourselves, steal from work and slack off on Company Time.

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