It's A Small World After Monsanto, Et Al - Brer Beyer
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The French are all mais oui RE: B0b's posting of "Spanish Earth" because the French are still gay for Papa Hemmingway.
Regardez; from:
"Tout de suite après, il me raconta son séjour en 1957 à Cuba où il avait rencontré Hemingway ne jurant plus désormais que par les anarchistes. Cependant, c'est dans cette maison de San Francisco de Paula que Bill obtint de son hôte de pouvoir voir sa copie de Terre d'Espagne, le film hyperstalinien que celui-ci avait tourné avec Joris Ivens en 1937. «Malgré le message, ça tient le coup, m'assura Bill. Et puis, sur la période, que nous reste-t-il?» M'empêchant de lui parler de Diego Camacho, je l'invitai à m'en dire plus sur l'auteur de Pour qui sonne le glas?
«Il était très hospitalier, très généreux, il payait partout. Et en mer, quand on est sortis pêcher le gros, il tenait bien sa place. Seul problème, il voulait toujours être le meilleur. Du coup, il tentait le diable. Et après il la ramenait. Mais il avait la classe. Il avait lu une de mes nouvelles et m'en avait parlé. J'ai connu peu d'écrivains, je parle de ceux qui ont déjà un pied dans la renommée, qui se souciaient ainsi de leurs cadets. Vous devriez aller à Cuba. Faut toujours voir l'intérieur des écrivains!»
Here's the B0tTranslation from
At once after , he me gossip her living room at 1957 at Cuba where he had meet Hemingway ne jurant anymore from now on as by the anarchists. However , is in that dwelling house about San Francisco about Paul as Billiards achieves about her host about may behold her copy earthen of spaces , him film hyperstalinien as which ci had off with Joris Ivens at 1937. «Malgré him message , thanksggiving holds him bash m'assura Billiards. And then , about the period , as ourselves remainder t - he? » M'empêchant about her refer to Diego Comrade , I the invitation at m'en put anymore about the author about For thanksggiving blares him knell?
«Il was greatly hospitable , greatly free , he due all over. And on the sea , when on am out fish him big , he held all right her seat. Alone issue , he voulait always be best. Any bash , he tentacle him devil. And after he her bring back. But he had her class. He had lu a about my news and m'en had talk. I knew little d'écrivains , I talk about which drove already a foot at her fame , thanksggiving herself souciaient like this about their cadets. You will have to fit Cuba. Blame always behold the interior any writer! » 4
The Ol' BabelFish's worthy attempt:
Immediately after, he told me his stay in 1957 in Cuba where he had met Hemingway not swearing more from now on but by the anarchists. However, c' is in this house of San Francisco of Paula that Bill obtained from its host to be able to see his Ground d' copy; Spain, the film hyperstalinien that this one had turned with Joris Ivens in 1937. “In spite of the message, that holds the blow, m' Bill ensured. And then, over the period, which us does it remain?” M' preventing of him to speak about Diego Camacho, I l' invited to m' in saying more on l' author of For whom rings the knell? “It was very hospital, very generous, it paid everywhere. And at sea, when one left to fish the large one, it held its place well. Only problem, it wanted to always be the best. Blow, it tried the devil. And after it brought back it. But it had the class. It had read one of my news and m' in had spoken. J' knew d' little; writers, I speak about those which have already a foot in the fame, which was concerned thus with their juniors. You should go to Cuba. Is always necessary to see l' interior of the writers!
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[Overlapped the third and fifth movements of Reggi's 1982 travelogue, worked out better than Dark Side™ with "Under The Rainbow" or w/e crunchy myth... Brother Orange does a nice Broddy-cum-tango, makes both stunts for the irony layers.]
Godrey Reggio directed, cinematographer and editor was Ron Fricke, Philip Glass did the soundtrack. This is half of the middle third of one of three (1:3) film studies of human experience that are worth watching in entirety. Text at close explains the title of this 1982 masterpiece.
ko-yan-nis-qatsi (from the Hopi language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life out of balance. 4. life disintegrating. 5. in a state of life that calls for another way of living.
Translation of the Hopi Prophecies Sung in the film:
"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
"Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."
"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky which could burn the land and boil the oceans."
Labels: beyer, cars, deathculture, gta4, koyaanisqatsi, monsanto, video