Who, What, Why.
Gets pretty hard to keep a straight face with them funny-ass talking points to round out the evening's shallow glaze of empty show. Here's to Joe the Plumber™- way to duct-tape the newscycle open during an election theft, fucko. What, are you with Liddy or just that stupid? Christ, we need better Ops/heads on pikes all the way around the Beltway.
"Song is Big Black, But Who Is Joe Hill?"
Joe Hill is who They™ don't want you to remember. Joe and Eddy, Joseph and Geronimo... but mostly Joe.
Joe Hill's Legal Legacy
Comes The Hard Rain
The Last Playlist You'll Ever Need.
Now with no Habeas Corpus or Posse Comi-ta-ta-s!
open playlist in new window
"Born, Joel Haaglund October 7, 1879 ---- Executed, Joe Hill November 19, 1915
Hill was executed by firing squad on November 19, 1915, and his last word was "Fire!" Just prior to his execution, he had written to Bill Haywood, an IWW leader, saying, "Goodbye Bill. I die like a true blue rebel. Don't waste any time in mourning. Organize... Could you arrange to have my body hauled to the state line to be buried? I don't want to be found dead in Utah."
BTW: Trade Unionism is no friend of Labor.
Joe was an organizer who used pop music to spread the idea that Labor is the Source of Value. He was framed for the murders of two grocers, tried, and shot regardless of calls for reprieve from the US President.
That is how the Combine rolls.
Y'all now what the Combine is, yes?
The Combine harvests all to feed its own always-growing hunger.
There was a helluva lot more resistance 100 years ago, kids. You've gotta catch fire or They™ WILL crush your childrens' futures into fine powder, mix it with aspartame and heroin, and make you buy it back as a daily suppository in lieu of a retirement. Every century needs a complete subsumance of margin gain, for Growth is why the Combine rolls.
You are the "how", BTW.
General Strike. Now.
Labels: big black, combine, electoral reform, joe hill, Labor, mccain, obama, plumber, repression, Value