A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Vicar Me Friday, Playlisters!

Aum Jai Aum Jai Ma Jai Aum Jai Aum, allzy'allz. Happy First Darks to all my occulted lunatistae and a happy W/E-day to the rest of yea. As a fitting switchup for the One True New Rat Year and in celebration of Our These United States' Phattest Vapor Ballot Tally Ever Known™ i want to make an unnessessary unconcession statement.

Niether The Banner nor i will consider pledging our delegates toward any other candidate spare Vermin Supreme. It is His Year, after all


Andorrah's Glass Teatz

For an even more time-compressed delivery of media, please regardez pennilesscripple's tour d'breve:

Short And Not So Sweet


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PC (above) is a fellow subscriber of Prof. in Archivea Antihostile (below), who also playlists.

The Malcolm X Files

Antihostile's Files On Blogspot

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D'J33pz!!!1 Where da *smmch* u at, G-R4M? I ran the Sislek, but these cats are NOW about the argumentation. I feel all are didactically unready for:

eyemran: A Critique of The Mayor of Blacktown


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Evoluion v Creationism


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All these playlists are made by the users, BTW. Let's pour an Orange Drink™ out onto the geraniums as a libation for Thee Persistence Of Bill Hicks' Memory and watch some T00l.

T00L B0X


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Flux Rostrum and the Unembedded Reporters Union thought Super Fat Tuesday was just another day in paradise, and are looking forward to throwing their sham votes at Vermin Supreme in November.

FluxRostrum - TWIF

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Speaking of reporting the under-reported, here's some people that had their homes burnt down.

The Attack On MOVE


more playlists from rasdreadlock

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Let's pick it up from there later, shall we?

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