A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Natural Law and the Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory

Godflesh - Jesu

Having rebuilt the model of Human Nature according to simple applied anthropod natural historigraphics, ergo checkit:

  • Given:
    Humans are social primates who maintain an innately predisposed hierarchy with lies, violence and sexual manipulation.

  • Given:
    This situation is not an equilibrium with tendencies towards egalitarian developement.

Our New Post New-Age Age of Reason (or ReasonAge 3.0) is setting out on some disturbing foundations. Indeed, other psuedosocial animals (or true social species for that matter) haven't worked the efficiency gain from distributed labor into the layers of legacy surplus that we humans have. Yet in doing so, we as individuals within the species are just now poking our heads out from under eons of absolute authoritarian tyranny by ruling elites who have generally inheirited thier positions or usurped such positions, enabled by the power politic being institutionally investitured away from redress or recourse by the public at large.

Summation: We can't even challenge our silverbacks to a fair fight. We have an entrenched class of Silverback Mimics.

The AntiChrist Dajjal Will Be A Reptilian ShapeShifter

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(I heart HashemFilms. Those kidz is so crazy.)


Humans at this point require hierarchical control systems to manage the distributed labor production that enables them as individuals to make it through the day. In places without adequate infrastructure and/or poorly divided/distributed Labor individuals will wind up having electric lights with no clean water, Twinkies without fruit, or bare feet on fresh asphalt. In this respect we obviously could use a little less laissez faire and a bit more pyramid power.

Other aspects of human Ness should definately have less pecking-order hierarchy.

Faith: Cognate Prion

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The basic implimentation level social order maintainance hierarchy should be ordered by strict meritocracy, with public utility as foremost gauge.

Fire On Olympus

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(I just found out that code for the Codes was compromised...not by Them™, i'm sure. Most likely it was Syncronicity Herself; since Authority is next on our list of to-dos, and i should rebuild and renew our documentation on this most pertainant and insistant Vox Authoritas.)

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