A Hung'i Ghost Spooktacular: Recent Dis-Re-Appearrerings America: What's Going Down? code: Halifaxion Memorial code: |
TheirTube contact and Cj_08 alias BobForehead (aka yours truly) notices the absence of a long-time subscription, Halifaxion, thanks commentary on a vid posted fromorangefu. Halifaxion, aka belowgroundsurface, is/was a Truther Extreme; a devotee to the myth of 9-11 as he sees/saw it. This is most probably why i didn't note his passing, since i didn't even have a 9-11 playlist per-se until i created the above Memorial.
Contained in this irreverent but sincere memorial to a seemingly dissapeared prophile are a number of invective attacks by battim, who seems to have cool tattoos but whom supports Chomsky and so should also be ridiculed some.
{Just because Chomsky and i share the shellshocked side of the Palestinian situation doesn't mean he's not a gatekeeper. He sets the tone for US Leftism™, which he purposefully keeps in the intellectual sphere; his prescription is inaction and a suscription to Utne Reader. Both are wrong.}
When i was but a wee-rabble rouser i latched onto the fact that certain powerful circles of money and influence overlapped and daisychained a poisonous ring-around-the-rosey that spanned centuries and spawned death, inequality and injustice of the meanest varieties. By the time i was a university Junior i had given up the ease of nebulous conspiracies and found a common seed-germ for this System of syndicates within our Systems, the nexus with name.
Banking. In specific, Llyodd's of London and it's unnamable syndicate of silent partners. The Dutch West India Company and it's British counterpart are the most obvious transnationals of the former class. Note that both of these corporations outlive thier charters and are dissolved under Chapter 11-ish circumstances.
This is the way corporations have always been subsumed back into the fabrice of the aristocracy who hold controlling shares. Regardez vous Haliburton's recent dissolution of KBR.
The conspiracy is real; but it doesn't lie in an Illuminatti plot by aliens to turn us all into Verichipped solent green. Yes, there are times when the families who currently hold the ball(s) work in concert to devastation effect: The European Enclosure and more notably the creation of fascist regimes during interwar 20th century's socialist awakening. Enabling Franco and Hitler to stop workers from transforming Europe into the jewel Internacional was sick, petty, wasteful, shortsighted, dull and inhumane to the point of sociopathy. Personally i'd wager that Lenin had the backing of the Monarchist-Capitalists as well, since he hadn't read Marx well enough to know that a socialism needs a democratic footing in a fully industrialized economy. His Bolshevik bullshit has fucked socialists for a good 100 years by association. However, this latter add-on of mine has one tiny flaw.
It's not a matter of public record, unlike Britain and the United States' funnelling of cash to the proto-Reich to thwart trade-union socialism.
As soon as Hitler became an issue we can see where the global conspiracy looses it's giest, becoming a phantom of itself. Britain had to wait for the US aristocracy to want war bad enough to allow Pearl Harbor for us to STOP aiding and abbetting the Third Reich. We kept cranking those Krupverks Special Orders out of New Jersey full knowing they were sinking allied ships under Her Majesty's flag in the North Sea until we were actually served papers by the German Embassy.
Hell, Prescott Bush kept trading with Der Fuehrer until injunctions were served on the companies of his that were involved. War profitteers are fey to close up shop when a war is on; it's like being a chimneysweep who takes fall and winter off. Even a commie like me understands that.
So the unity of purpose that kept the Czar propped up longer than healthy kept pressing the "react" button like a junkie on a morphine drip, fomenting the sickest kind of nationalist ethnic zenophobia-as-political-agenda across Europe, schisming the lowest 2/3 of the population against itself in an effort to prevent a people's movement.
This is what the Atlantic Cabal does. This is what we're doing in the mid-east, the US and Britain, protecting Dutch and British investments in the area by attempting to keep the Ottoman Schism of Persia and the Arab Schism of themselves from unifying (again). We are in Iraq, the poorest country resource-wise per acre in the area, NOT to gain resources. Again, the conspiracy Doppler shifts itself into a ghost of a shadow; we see only war profiteers and thier money-men making good on this. The Bush family is once again aiding and abetting, but not in a profitable way. Former British holding Haliburton has used the past 6 years to complete it's metamorphosis into a full transnationalist, now free to settle where it's own cabal can enjoy fewer taxes. Shell oil has benifitted along with thier Dutch owners, and British Petroleum has managed to sink it's teeth into the Alaskan Reserve while we puzzled at losing control of two (2) major pipelines (Alaska and our Unical Miracle pipe from Uzbek to Turkey).
Follow the money and see how these sometimes collaborative cartels and cabals are NOT a unified Illuminati, even if they do all go to Ivy League schools to polish thier inhumanity off with law degrees. They were, at one point, all Masons, too. So's my dad. So's my uncle.
My father and namesake uncle are NOT two men to have in the same room at the same time. They are NOT a unified Brotherhood. My uncle was/is a few ranks below my dad, but his business inclinations allowed him to no doubt make better use of the network the Masons had to offer; he retired early, a millionaire.
My dad, whom i take after, is either dead or still working and living hand to mouth, working class style: because that is what we workers do.
Unless you've got a healthy coat of the Lazies like me, they'll work you to death, Mason or no. Why? Because it's money that is the main-god, the mantra, the whip that drives the future.
See, there IS no Lucifer
or YHWH or Allah
or Maha Devi Kali Maa (Jai Jai, i kid)
or Gray aliens or Mayan Ant-Serpent-Fairies
or what the fuck EVER you think it is
that They™ are in cohoots with
in order to gain control of your precious pink panties.
Turns out that the rich just do it for the money,
and that they already have your pink panties because
you're so busy being lazy
and blaming the Illuminati/Islamofascists/your parents
that you traded them away a long time ago.
You support Them™ with every purchase. You know this; why do you litterally buy into it?
Labor Value
So there's that.
Then there's why i felt the need to get up-ons Against Conspiracies. Turn that gun on myse'f, half-cocked. Let's talk of disappearances, half-truths and outright lies; govenment projects and tripping over the outline on the doorstoop.
I've been dredging NASA/JPL for audio files again.

Facial Cues and Voice Synthesis
Granted, the space agencies have MASSIVE amounts of data to host on limited server space. So i don't expect all three hours of any given auroral event, or the complete Mars Mike hash. (the first Mars Mike was lost, second got funding whacked, so that's a bad example-i just like the project's name) However, when they pull files that are only 1 meg at most, i wonder. When it happens again and again, and certain types of data are pulled, i start digging.
New Moons for Saturn - Voyager Hits Termination Shock
One doesn't just do space silent, you know. NASA's Reverb Tank For Human Factors Research is modeled on an actual room. They don't neccesarily keep everything all tidy either, which yeilds some nifty treasure rooms.

Cassini Takes new Pics of Saturn's Hexagonal North Pole
The goal is to find all of the files involvingVoyager hitting the heliopause. The originally released one is gone; i have a copy if anyone wants to hear the Space Frogs.
BTW, i'm not sure what NASA and the EAU are hiding by dissapearing the files that they do, but i have a theory. It's not UFO's.
Alright, get serious. Show some damn respect for the only other sane activist in Amerikkkuh.
T'row Da Bumz Out!!!
Tenure Corrupts
Labels: Bush, capital, democracy, electoral reform, investment return, programming, science, video, voting, war profiteering