A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hot Winter, Cold Feet

I guess nobody else has noticed the IDF incursion in Nablus. Israel has been wrecking the West Bank city for the past 4 days, since the Palestinian infighting came to a screeching halt in Mecca last week. I'm not implying that the two are related.

I'm stating it.

Hot Winter In Nablus
From The Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada is one of my fave feeds; they never fail in depressing the shit out of me with some YHWH-forsaken tale of inhumanity. The Palestinian people have nothing to lose by risking life and limb to get word out about what goes on behind the Wall Of Shame, since they're all targeted for genocide anyway.

It's Treblenka in slow-motion, going strong since 1948. Israel's anti-Semitism knows no bounds.

So i made it up to myself by adding some new fun facts & DIY to the Functional Intructional playlist, including an intro to circuit bending.

Functional Instructitainmentismae

Also, regardez vous si vous plais, important new additions to the Renting In Iraq saga, most probably with a shelf-life. Notably probably effemeral are the CNN Al-Quiada funding story and the "leaked" footage of a US fighter striking British troops.

Aluminium Azrael

Renting: A War Joint

I added a short clip depicting a British Tornado fighter-bomber striking an Iraqi position. Here's the frame of interest.


I just assumed it was a laser-guided bomb, until i noticed another user had uploaded it with a title asking, "Is this a laser?" I watched that one, and thought that it had been altered. Then i watched this one again, which doesn't make mention of laser guidance or much of anything.

According to Wikipedia, which i'll admit is NOT Jane's, the Tornado carries Paveway laser-guided bombs, which are all unpowered, meaning no contrail. So....w/e. I don't think we're at laser stage yet for actual weaponry, although we're close.

Man, we suck. No wonder you chickenshits don't trust yourselves with direct democracy. I have bad news, though: your current ruling elite is rich, and the rich HATE YOU.

N35T - Dr Rev Steve Martin (ne Short) Luther King Jr, PHD vs The Can Haters

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Impeacheney Keen.

Haliburton Stock Options & Exposed Intel Agents:
Intolerable Acts.

Six Articles of Impeachment for Richard B Cheney

(PDF - D/L)

Wil S. Hylton and GQ

N3st - Dr Rev Steve Martin (ne Short) Luther King Jr, PHD vs The Can Haters

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Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm Not Going Out With Iran, We're Just Freinds

I'm still awaiting footage of IRI's weekend space-shot, which evidently saw The Islamic Republic of Iran put a payload into orbit on it's own rocket. Russia had popped last year's satellite into orbit, and a mere turn around the sun later they've done it for themselves.


A Satellite Named "Pool"

Give It Up For The Newest SpacePower Nation,
The Islamic Republic of Iran!

Shi'ite Persian Props

I still voted with the majority 54.7% of Al Jazeera English pollers.

POLL:Should Iran face further sanctions over its nuclear programme?
Yes :
35.2 %
No :
54.7 %
I don't know :
10.1 %

Number of pollers:16529

This goes hand in hand with comments on the subject in the BBC. I imagine the British press will be a little more even-handed on issues of Middle Eastern concern for a while, since they're leaving Occupation: Enduring Our Operations along with my Danish cousins. I'm sure the aebleskivers will be missed.

Uruknet.info Knows That Foreign Policy Is Complicated.

Let's Just Not Talk About That Taxi Our Boys Shot Up, 'K?


Joe's got some choice words as usual. Check it.

Cuppa Joe

New Official Campaign Junkyard DJ.

Beatmatching Mash-Ups With Sue Teller

Dunno how long i'll be able to keep myself from redoing this:

What Ever Happened To US?

Add to My Profile

The Constitutionalists' Warroom

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