"The thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't." -Gibby
Shi'ite Persian Props code:
I will never regret running the above playlist as much as i do. It's important to attempt to educate peeps as to the very real differences between places the US/UK/Dutch imperium run game and the places they can't. Persia is in the later catagory. For a very brief time it was under UK/Haj control, ending with a hot-potatoe pass to the US, who quickly ended thier democracy with imposed rule by the Shah.
This did not stand, and will not be allowed to occure again in this millenium. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a first-world superpower, one that successfully repelled 10 years of US-UK backed agression by our thugocratic ally Sadaam. Chemical weapons made by Dutch subsidiaries of Dow-Corning were funnelled to the front lines via Israeli arms merchants, and Iranian guardsmen died by the hundreds on thier own border under clouds of mustard gas. They came back with cameras and gasmasks. In the end, sheer guts and Kolenshikovs won out AGAIN over duplicity, war crimes and misfiring high-tech weapons with US serial numbers. Millions were killed.
Millions, people. That's a magnitude of scaling that you need to keep in your head when considering a possible invasion of Iran. You need to cross-reference it with thier Russian cooperative projects, and realize that this is the re-establishment of an old arraingment that kept the Caspian dynamically self-contained during epochs of external turmoil. It's called mutually benificial trade partnership and defence. The missile systems of the Russian Federation are 21st century refinements of those the Soviets had, which contrary to popular myth were capable of neutralizing any US attack. No, we don't have saucer technology, kids. Know why?
Because flying saucers from alien civilizations have never come to planet Terra.
This is because they don't exist. Oh, don't get me wrong. People have created them, and there very well may be mag-lev flying saucers in hangers at Roswell, but you should try to operate a hovercraft prior to thinking about possible mag-lev saucer action. Traction and drag are much more desirable than one would initially think. So, since that's out, and the Iranian satelite net is up, and our Stealth fleet is a black hole for research money and can be shot out of the sky by Serbs, and even Her Majerstray's Wave-Rulers stop waiving the rules just this side of Iranian territorial waters, what chance do you see our battered and broke military having with a unilateral Blitzkreig on Tehran?
None. The real stumbling block is the Chinese, of course, who have given thier one warning on the subject. Nukes are a no-go against nations bordering the OG superpower and worldwide gunpowder monopoly cartel headquarters, the People's Republic of China.
Target: Syria. I hope i'm wrong, but this looks like a misdirect ahead of a false flag, and the next logical target has ALWAYS been Syria. Israel wants it. Lebanon half-wants it. The Arab world has always wanted it; Syria is the original Semetic nation-state. Jordan just wants the rest of the middle east to STFU, maybe flood? Iraq wants to die in peace, maybe flood. Palestine wants to eat, maybe flood, exist some. Britain has what they wanted; all the oil and none of the security detail, as well as access to the Alaskan fields and proper semi-centenial draining of the US Colonies' Imaginary Treasury Reserves via the auspicious perenial perniciousness of Lord Halifax's Chartered Privateering Company.
You may ask yourself, "Well, how does the removal of Habias Corpus really affect the nature of American jurisprudence?" Regardzvous the case of Mr Sami al-Arian, who was aquited of all charges and then remanded into federal custody, where he remains.
See how that works? He was tried, found innocent, and then locked up forever. The sentance exists seperate from the charge, and is independent of relation to guilt. Pretty slick.
That's what you get for caring about Palestinians.
INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! Earlier this week our legislators in WA STATE refused to put an impeachment bill to a vote because they didn't think that's what the people of WA state want! This decision was made for you despite an unprecedented amount of phone calls, emails, and snail mail the legislatures received from all of us supporting the impeachment bill!! Show the people of WA STATE and those whose job it is to REPRESENT us what a powerful presence we are and the thousands and thousands who support the IMPEACHMENT issue!!
We will be organizing for the April 28th Impeach Day on Sunday April 21st! We need your imput! Do something to make real change happen on this EARTH DAY!!
We would like people to 'adopt' overpasses and bring large IMPEACH! signs and be at their assigned overpasses between 1:00pm and 4:00pm on April 28th. World Can't Wait will be on the 45th and 50th St (in the University District) I-5 overpasses that day! Then at 5:00 pm we will be on the North and South side of SAFECO FIELD handing out IMPEACH! balloons! (Please note; the manufacturer states that these are BIODEGRADABLE 100% natural latex balloons)
We will happily advertise your involvement on our website; http://www.seattleworldcantwait.org/ and what overpass you'll be at this coming week and include a link to your group's website if you have one, or just list you and your friends if that's what you'd like. Please email us at seattle@worldcantwait.org or better yet;
Please come to our regularly scheduled Sunday meeting; Sunday, April 21st, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Trinity United Methodist Church 3rd Floor Fireside Room 6512 23rd Ave NW in Ballard
BE COURAGEOUS- invite everyone you know! Want some talking points to discuss with friends and family on this issue? Try these on;
Why should Bush and Cheney be driven out and IMPEACHED? Here are just a few of the high crimes and misdemeanors the Bush Adminstration has committed;
*Pre-emptive War based on lies in violation of Nuremburg Principles *Repeal of Habeas Corpus in violation of the constitution, common decency and civilized society *Codified and committed Torture through the Military Commissions Act in violation of the Geneva Conventions *Conducted kidnappings aka 'extraordinary rendition' and now detains over 16,000 people w/o charges and is currently setting up facilities to house 40,000 more in violation the Geneva Conventions *No-bid contacts given to cronies who over-charged, performed poorly, and have 'lost' millions of dollars of taxpayer money; pure corruption *Fraudulent elections in violation of the 15th ammendment *600% increase in terrorism worldwide; shameful incompetence *Created massive federal debt while giving tax cuts to the wealthy and cutting social services; shameful corruption *Worked in concert with fundamentalist religious groups to make policy changes and laws in violation of the 1st ammendment *Spying on American citizens without warrants in violation of the 4th ammendment *Created the John Warner Defense Act, a portion of which nullifies the Posse Comitatus Act and thereby allows the military to use force against American citizens
And so many more high crimes and misdemeanors that they cannot all be listed here, with no doubt as to the many more as yet unknown crimes that an intensive impeachment investigation would discover.
Our democracy is crumbling! It's time to get out and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT WHILE WE STILL CAN!!
ATTEND THESE EVENTS, and if you CANNOT ATTEND for whatever personal reasons then please DONATE GENEROUSLY! The Seattle World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime needs funds for the contant flyering we do, and the monthly maintainence of our office, website, and phone. To donate please send a check to; "WCW/AGJ" in subject line please include "Seattle WCW" and mail your generous check to; 2442 NW Market St PO Box #555 Seattle WA 98107.
Hope to see you tomorrow and on the 28th! World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime, Seattle Chapter
-end remission-
'K. First, tomorrow's the 22nd. They did send a correction email, so let's ignore that.
It's not as if this wasn't generated by a script; the "WA STATE" insertion in triplicate is a give away that this was templated. Which then makes the hyperbolic "unprecedented emails" claim glare with cynical offalism, a shiney turd bobbing nauseatingly adrift in the toddler's bedpan of that opening paragraph. So someone made a template, with the wrong date, formulated for failure, and decided the inflection of summertime chatroom was the stylistic element needed to motivate the masses.
Nice. I love activism. Makes me feel like i'm in the company of reasonable adults. Always has.
I guess i'll drop a sign off of Dravus overpass, maybe. Maybe show up at the Ballard meeting just to be counted as a potential 5th columnist. No worries, Big Bro; the other 4 are MIA.
I ripped all of anti-tenure patriarch Nels' vids and stuck 'em into the media blender that is Brightcove. This is one for you fellow media propagationistaz to keep an eye on, being as it's true Web 2.0. Flash feeds with syndication controls and ad-space hooks to make the medium massage the media into mass-media message space. Ideally. No offers yet, but i tweaked the tags a bit tonight so...we'll see.
This is why i'll be doing some form of public pro-impeachment prostitution tomorrow. Concerned Citizens are duty-bound to carry the news of the day until the newspapers do.
Those of us who care too much go the extra mile to tell you what we make you think. Close your eyes and count to 100, please.