Mein Diss Capital

This is the story of my struggle.
Given: Value is an abstract quantifification of a quality inheirant in a good or service.
Given: The inheirant quality(ies) of a good or service that give rise to valuation exist as a result of actions taken upon raw materials.
Given: Action is Labor.
Thus; Value equals Labor.
There are certain definitional truths like the above that are not open to debate, as much as we humans do love trying to debate them. The fact that the world is experiencing a warming trend, the fact that we are simians, the fact that the earth revolves around the sun, and the fact that Labor is the means by which objects and ideas are transmuted into articles of Value- these are observable facts.
The further specific observation is that the field of social science avoids this fact like the plague. I submit this question to any and all "Leftists" out there: When was the last time you heard Noam Chomsky talk about the labor theory of value?
Labor Theory?
He must have left it in his other suit.
Gang of Four - Alienation Theory
Labels: capital, gatekeeping, Labor, Leftism, Value
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