Checkpoints, Quasicrystaline Tiling, and DeeDee
How exactly does Israeli policy of keeping the occupied territories populations apart from thier population not meet the definition of aparthied?

"Srry, but freedom isn't free, or even on the market."
Oh that's right, the rulers decide the definitions of the age in which they rule.
My bad.
Hence all that is old can be new again, or at least news again.
Quasicrystaline tiling re-rediscovered, again.
Those of us who are vehomently pro-geometry have long touted the superiority of Middle Eastern tiling. Those of you who use Arabic numerals are probably dimmly aware that these are indicative of a culture fluent in math. So, i'm comfortable going out on a limb and answering the question poised in the above linked article: Yes, the designers of the tile pattern knew about it's non-recursive math. One has to do the math to design tiling patterns based on math.
Shake it off with me, America. Let's focus on some good things.
In appreciation of his ding-ach-sich, here's the Hero of Our age, the Hon. George Galloway. (Not to be confused with fellow WordPresser and Lenny Bruce Strike Force memeber, Galloway)
He's Got A Way, He's Got His Gall
I love these men, but especially George, because he's so damn resilient. He's been taking the slings and arrows for the entire Western Empire throughout this past 7 years of cleptocratic imperial boondogerry, and he's thrived on it. Now he's leading the charge to topple Blair, and all we can do is wish we had someone like him.
Segues nicely into this playlist. Cow and Chicken: A Model Of American Bipartisanship.
Potential Analogue Model Viewer
Cow is of course the Dems; eager to play the nice guy, apparently compassionate but with a deadly secret. Chicken as the GOP; virulent self-interested hothead with little-man syndrome, quick to flare at assumed transgressions, overprotective. Together they navigate the American dreamscape of devils and morons to thier mutual betterment.
Maybe you'd prefer a degreed opinion?
Parenti Guidance
There's no analogy or reason to give a reason for posting Dexter's Lab.
The Lab, The Girl, And Dexter
Labels: brainwashing, cartoons, civilians, democracy, development, George Galloway, Islam, Israel, news media, politics, self-determination, transportation, video
Of course there should be no confusion of identities regarding myself and George. However, given the flimsy nature of 'truth', who's to say?
4:33 PM
I've never seen the two of you together, Mr Minister.
(I always go with a negative hypothesis; hence i'm not even too sure about this whole "existence" thing people are talking about. Even if i accept that, it's a far cry from assuming that there's a place named Britain with two Galloways in it.)
10:23 PM
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