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General Petraeus Addresses the Senate Before the Persian Campaign.

Gary Trudeau may find this amusing, but i don't anymore. From outsourced merchs guarding our ports to Centurian Petraeus, we are Rome Sans Pax. We have the trade gap but no Appian Way, Britainia diverts our OilDucts while we subdue the desert tribes again, and our Senate is a dagger of the oligarchy that arms Caesar or smites him if he loses faith. Katrina as Nero? Or 9/11 as the Roman Redevelopement schemae? Both? Hell, we're dumb enough to overdo it, too...what'ya think finnaly screwed Rome? Excess and amnesia. Gout, inertia, lead poisoning. Deficiet spending and Middle Eastern Campaigning. Greed, petty partisan rivalry and inattention to detail. Arrogance, the vanity of letters. Uninspired architechture shows the strain of a culture, and the Twin Towers said Circus Maximust-Come-Down. We tear down a stadium a day, our gladiators fail to move us. We are Jaded, and this is the seed we plant. Enter a Jade Tomorow, a green glass sitting room waiting for the Minatuore to show.
Labels: civilians, hell is other people, ontogeny, politics, self-determination, socialism
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