Of Channelling Discourse, Centralised Democracy and The Shit I Put Up With For Love
I think to my self at times, "When did all my freinds start gaying out?" Schizten Krist, my ACTUALLY Gay freinds at least tell me straight out, "Sorry, we're all up on Hilary's pussy." Which lets you know how actually homosexual these particular peeps be. In the end all i want is for someone to engage with something, and i don't think i neccessarily have to precipitate such a thing to take solace from it.
The general time-complexity of adiabatic quantum computation is
still an open problem. I trust i'll get over this, though. Let's not digress.
I have an old freind, since junior high, who's now a Sargeant with the San Jose Police. He's Libertarian, party true. That's a done deal, and although i think it's a dead end route i won't tell him so; i don't bother him at all about 2008. He's at least engaged with the idea of reform, and made a rather bold decision as well.
If i lived in California, this alone would be enough for me to trim this whole campaign back to the petition and some mp3s.
The word just lays there, like a whipped dog.
Reform: It's not as crazy as "Change".™
Yet that is what i propone these days, mere reform, well within the legal tradition and egalitarian spirit of our Constitution.
To channel Blakely:
the polls and proved that the margin between the thinking and
unthinking people of this country was close enough that a fiddling in
Ohio, or maybe not even fiddling, maybe just run of mill
incompetence, could swing the election toward fascism and mania.
Similarly in 2004, the Democrats demonstrated once again that they
can't pick a political leader to save their lives. The key difference
between a political leader and a politician is that a political
leader educates rather than panders, and Kerry was a panderer not an
educator. The will of a misinformed, jingoistic, frightened mass does
not make for a very effective democracy, and I have to admit Lenin's
concept of Centralized Democracy became all the more clearer to me on
that fateful November day. One of the things we seem to forget en
masse is that the populace had to be convinced that the revolution
that gave birth to this nation was a good idea. Political leaders of
the day didn't send out Gallup and his goons and ASK if maybe freedom
from the crown would be something they might be interested in, they
argued the case for succession and independence, and they argued it
vehemently, they even argued amongst themselves about what form that
independence should take, and they even flip-flopped here and there
about it. Bipartisanship is a shitty idea across the board, effective
government depends on polemics and the dialectic of deep and sincere
disagreement. The race to the middle, if it continues, will kill this
republic in the end."
This race...to this middle...Blakes, i forget, when did we part ways with our other Leftist Comrades? When the US was a socialism? Or anything other than an imperial bastard? We've been outright fascism, by definition, since about 4 years before Ike told us we were. Yet they do do a dance, that race to the middle, and make it a palpable palatable alternative to the excesses of whichever percieved extreme preceded. After FDR's apparent socialist renovation Truman looked like a logical bridge to That Moderate General. After Reagan/Bush, we sighed in releif as our imaginary political pendulum blew some sweet sax our way. Groovy. Then we expected Li'l' Dub, huh? I did. "Bush Jr? Makes sense. Middle ho!"
Too much brass in the Dome, maybe. The center is really a gravity well formed somewhere between the Pentagon and the event horizon of the Watergate Hotel. I'm down with the pro-polemic, IF we want a political government.
I don't think we do. I think we want a meritocracy.
Worked for Ghengis.
f100 on the way out and the sale value of the Saturn rapidly
declining at it approached 100k, the idea of maintaining and insuring
a single biodiesel vehicle was appealing (and I wanted 3/4 ton to try
and limit the round trips for dump, rocks, soil, bark, etc).
Adjusting to 15-20mpg and the $1k font end work I had to do right
away got me second guessing, but the dog likes it, so I guess it's
ok. Still kind of keeping an eye out for a cheap little fixer diesel
(escort, jetta, rabbit, golf kind of thing, although the old
mercedes' are terribly tempting), but I need to drum up some extra
capital for that little adventure (the truck intimidates me from a
fiddle with it perspective, probably because I financed the damn thing).
And the answer you've all been waiting for, the one to use for all
ethical questions and decisions....Is it the right, good, and correct
thing to do....probably not, but it's a little bit less wrong than
some other things, and that's probably the most we can ask for on the whole..."
THAT, right there, is all i wanted. One other person i know, like KNOW, enough to corespond with, has made the descision to remove thier locomotion from the Octopus's oily grip. That's enough for me, really.
No, fuck you, i'm serious. It's actually 1 more than i expected. I'm good to go. Let's cut to footage of the day's slaughter.

Aum Jai Jai Aum Shanti Sri Anna Nichol. You were ours, and thus your wit was never seen through the pharmaceutically shaded mutual exploitation that we reflected in lieu of life. Now, we market.
The model who never did a shoot without Godiva Chocolate. Her son really was her life, and that's a real tragedy, i guess. It will be a sick, sick movie of the week.
But we'll make it.

Al Quideaia'ya'll Founder Jimmy Carter-Jamal
waxing anti-cluster bomby about some Lebanese shit
Way to remember the best Justice our Supreme Court ever had stacked. I actually love Brandies, BTW. He called the Israel trap and withdrew all support for what he saw as a betrayal of purpose and subsequent illegal occupation. It broke his heart, but the Anti-Defamation League won't let you do a movie of the week about him. Good idea too, he lived a boring life.
Carter and I would watch it, but nobody ever asks us.

click to D/L PromoInfoPetition PDF - "Common Sense"
David Bowie - The Voyeur of Utter Destruction As Beauty
Labels: constititutionalism, democracy, electoral reform, love, politics, socialism
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