100 Days of Solitude

Technorati This, Ya'll.
The above linked article describes alleged "proof" shown at a press conference by unnamed "experts" who claim Iranian manufactured mortars and RPGs were found in a weapons cache used by Iraqui insurgents. The offending casings were shown at this conference, but photographers were not allowed to site the experts' names, ranks, or take photographs of the weapons. Thus, the Washington Post ran the above blurry image of US mortar round shipping packages, because that's not misleading at all. In "Fact", it's totally great reporting, really inteligent and newsworthy, and fully gives me faith in not only Free Market Western Civilization, but in the Media, God, and The System.
I'm sure this time Technorati will actually include my link to the story in thier "Who's Blogging?" addendum, since i am an unpaid subscriber and they are Champions of Dissenting Opinion or some shit.

The Equally Specious BBC Report
Yet some wonder why, after seeing The Only Complete™ recieve no interest, i only post cartoons.

Every Day Is Children's Day, Brats.
Here's a prediction or two for you. 9-11 will remain swept under the rug. Bush and the Chainey Gang will go unprosecuted for conflict of interest, violation of international law, war profitteering and abridgment of Constitutional rights. The Democrats will run Clinton or Obama against Guilliani, the NY point-man of 9-11, and Diebold will oversee the electoral college's choice of winner.
You will remain squabling over non-issues, and the "thinking few" amongst you will convince themselves that this proves the wisdom of our Founding Fathers.
Big Brother will continue to be your bogeyman, as if there is a bogeyman. Your sons and daughters will continue to slaughter people overseas, and half of you will fail to see the glaring schism between your alleged JudeoChrislamic ethos and supporting militarism. The obvious facts that thousands of us march openly against such actions and don't get rounded up into camps or make the major news will continue to go unnoticed or addressed.
You will pay rent on time, or buy a home, heedless of the consequences, because thinking outside of the plasterboard box in inconcievable. You will give money to what you consider to be worthy causes, regardless of the facts that money cannot solve a problem, ANY problem, and your causes are all self-referencing, self-serving organs of Professional Activism.
You will drive to work.
You will vote Democrat.
You will continue to become less and less an individual, and will eventually punctuate the absurdity and alienation that marks your existence by paying thousands of dollars to be pumped full of formaldehyde and buried in a concrete bunker to contain the toxic waste dump that law mandates you be turned into upon death. Your survivors will call this beautiful, and join you in turn.
I sincerely hope that before then you find love, and an entre and dessert item(s) that you truly enjoy. I also wish you happiness, and relative comfort, and a minimum of tragedy. Know that this is undeserved, but my religion requires me to wish you the best, so i do.
Here's a cartoon.
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Check the full list of Ergo Proxy on the old Anime Vengeance channel for the rest of the episodes.
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