A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Cheney as Lepidus

I'm not going to pretend that I pay enough attention to anything that's going on in Washington to make a serious claim as to the figure driving the Cheney Vice Presidency or his business practices. That said, I am not oblivious to the practices of government and warfare, or to the lessons of history.

So, my assessment would be that Cheney is no more than a modern "safe pair of hands", the third Triumvir without the love of the people, or the ambition to be a real threat to the powers that be. Assuming as we only can these days, that there must be a third entity pulling the strings of administration, because it has become increasingly evident that Bush has neither the skills, nor the intelligence to stand alongside Caesar, or even Mark Antony (as has been suggested). And as has been pointed out, Cheney could have made more money so perhaps he doesn't have the brains he has been credited with either. In all likelihood both he and Bush will be lucky to hold rank next to Russia's Nicholas III when the history books are finally written.

On the other hand, that third entity if it does exist, is probably not very smart either.

Unless of course the whole point is to destabilize the Middle East (among other regions) in the hopes of killing off 2 to 4 billion people, and in doing so solving the problems of over population, global warming, and our dependency on foreign oil all in one fell swoop. Then of course, with our republic in it's final death throws, Bush and Cheney would make convenient scapegoats for explaining to the nearly comatose populace why democracy failed, and hegemony will usher in a new golden age fulfilling the west's manifest destiny to rule the planet.

Or maybe they really are just that incompetent.


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Blogger Citizen j said...

Well, Cheney did make about 1.5 billion in options, plus the million he gets as VP and deferred Haliburton ChairMench. I imagine he's more like whichever creep it was who helped Nero and Claudius redevelop Rome.

I'm still wondering why we're fighting Britain's Crimean Campaign. Again. We wouldn't need foreign oil if we stopped letting BP and SHell pump our reserves for us. Somewhere, Zombie Monroe is clawing his way towards DC...

3:19 AM


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