Slow newsday here in the Kiosk Under The Light At The End Of The Tunnel™.

I mean, some soldiers getting a new puppy and all aside, i just can't pick a proper carwreck out for allz'yallz. So i went to FuckedCompany to check in on the current corporate corpse count calendar.

A wholey-owned sub-blog of the Oligonomy Capitalist System.
No help from the cheerleaders of internet marketing, i guess. Usually one's adversaries provide ample fodder for straw men to disembowel in lieu of having a an insightful or even coheirant point, but Pud's different like that.

He's just so...likeable.
Marketing. Neccesary Evil, rooted in Money. Exhorbitantly demanding of it's own recompense for it's Labor, which consists of busking and hooking target consumers for the overall Profit of the Client. Clients may be Neccesary Evil, Luxury Evil, or just plain old Mom-And-Pop type Evil.
J/K. They can be Neutral Evil, too. Like me, only with money. Like PBS. W/e. We're boardin'.
Pud - Fuck
Well, that'll show the Oligopsomy a thing or two about Internet Commerce and Intellectual Property, huh?
Forward along the Great Shinning Uncharted Path Leading From The End Of The Tunnel!
Labels: capital, capitalism, career, choice, communism, consumerism, Iraq, Marines, media, puppy, troops, Value, video
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