Hard Knock Life
There's a saying amongst the Vedicly-inclined that it's hard to keep it, shall we say, real when one is permuttated in Kali Yuga. Too much decadence, the story goes. The cycle of four ages is full of Maya at that point, making the last age one in which simple acts of selflessness garner more Dharmic Credit Points than in others, comensurate to the difference in overall general turdishness the rest of the biosphere would be exhibiting. Thusly, the Buddha-emulation clique (a subset of the Vedicly-inclined demographic) often remark that Enlightenment™ is easier to attain during Kali Yuga, on a sliding scale that approaches 0 as T(ime) approaches End.

Shaggy and Scooby, Palestinian Heshers in Baghdad.
If D'J33pZ(0rX) swings past this entry, maybe she'll be kind enough to comment and tell the stry of how she reintroduced me to G0D and Grotus via explicating the principle of Kali Yuga to yours truly whilst dodging SoDo traffic to thier hit Top 40 cut from thier seminal disk, Slow Motion Apocalypse.
Grotus - Kali Yuga
It really doesn't seem reasonable that this particular global bloom of Alpha sapiens will maintain a tenable possitive growth pattern with regards to that species' growing personal and collective institutional resource requirments and the biosphere's current rate of resource depletion. However, h. sapiens has been virulently responsive to extreme environmental shifts in the past, showing a stubborn resiliency that could mean aeons of additional torment for all terrans (and possible extraterrestrius effects).
Will there be trade unionism in the Off World Colonies™?

Fuck trade unionism and the little bossman it rode in on. One Big Union.
Found my old pledgecard whilst digging to the bottom of the bivouac here at Last Daze InterBai HQ.

This is what i wanted to show y'all.

Discuss amongst yourselves.
Society needs to be social. The means of production ARE common community assets, and as such communal use/access guarantee assurance is the primary job of any oversight institutions that proport to be acting in the civic interest.

X5 of Arabia, Agent of Change.
There's a good FCC/streetball tie-in somewhere. For those readers who Fear The Linkz, the above pictured Saudi tagger X5 is lobbying the wet-gherkins of the Haus o' Saud government to fund some neighborhood playareae, which really isn't too much to ask. One shouldn't have to ask one's master for the occassional bone; decorum dictates the regular flick of gristle from the head table towards the shadows skulking the floor at the edge of the candlelight.
From the article:
(the newly appointed official in charge of Jiddah's beautification, Jiddeh city official Mohamed Jamal) Abo-Umara, 45, said young men like Alwani should not be held accountable until officials are sure they've done right by local youth.
"What have we done for young people? Have we asked them what they need or want?" said Abo-Umara, wearing a flowing white head scarf and long robe. "Until I talk to them and find out why they are scribbling all over Jiddah and do my part in offering them the services we're supposed to provide, then I can't punish or criticize them."
It comes to this. Always.
It's all us. The future can be one long-ass dreary unending clusterthroating of compounding institutional usurption of our common resources or we can grow up, stop putting fucking fences around our increasingly drab walls, claiming every toy in the percievable world our personal private slave-object and learn to share like civilised toddlers. Looking up to "authority" percieved resident in the wealthy elite who really do run things for the edification of global business ventures with whom they have more than casual invested interests in is the number one crippling cognitive prion that the governed can cure themselves of.
Ask your Doktor if shedding your need for a shepherd is right for you.
He'll say "Yes."
Labels: capital, class, commons, communism, democracy, life, protest, resource allocation, social evolution, tagging
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