Autonomy Begins In Public
I'm sure that things in this space appear a bit as if your Candidate thinks hisself the only populist left on the Left Coast; an exagerative self-agrandizement only inflamed by the fact that i've said as much outright. What can i say, this racket is hyperbolically inclined.
Let's shine a light on the popularity of populism. I give Thee the Demokrazy Playa.
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Just in case you got sidetracked after that first vid, here's the Autonomous Person's Geezer Playlist.
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It's like this: if you want anything out of human society, you're going to have to become a more democratic person. Sorry. If you leave it up to Them™ things are just going to get increasingly more lopsided. Individuals will have less power, meaning collectives of individuals (like churches, lodges, neighborhoods, trade unions, PTAs, etc) will accordingly have less power to pool. Political power is defined right now by leveraged contracts which are mostly brokered by Congress, and that's where you have to strike. Think about this carefully. Supporting either Democrats or Republicans is counterproductive; it merely reifies bad behavior on their part, marginallizing our voices even more. As for Presidential races...c'mon. Do the fucking reading.
Decisions, decisions.

One Head - One Vote - One Choice
(visualise direct democracy)

The Truth™
is in
The Codes
Get Some, America!
Labels: anarchy, democracy, killing joke, oligopsomy, podcasts, populism, social evolution
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