A Journal about Electoral Tyranny, the dullness of mobs, and diminishing returns.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Iraqui Star Wars

Iraqui Star Wars
Video sent by _cVc_
FromStar Wars in Iraq, usurped for educational purposes.

Virtually every war in the past 200 years has visited a new way of killing upon the soldiers, citizens, and incidental uninvolved lifeforms hapless enough to be in the crosshairs of the ongoing experimental process. From ironclad warships through gatlin guns and tactical nuclear devices, we have progressed in indulging our lesser aspect. The alleged weaponry is no doubt ready to debut, and as an American Presidential Hopeful i will promise you this: when elected i will execute as my first duty in the capacity of Commander In Chief a full and complete inventory and accounting of US weapons capability and developement and release the results to the National Archive. You, The People deserve to know where our money is going, and why we don't have laser tanks and a fully enabled aerospace defence grid by now, as well as a functional inteligence apparatus and 100% literacy and 4 weeks vacation with a 32 hour work week. Christ, we pay for it. We don't even have a pension guarantee anymore, even if we do take the clue and set up our own accounts. If we squeezed all the stolen blood out of the war profiteers we'd be able to build that Death Star y'all know we want so much.

Work with me here, America. I'm still the only candidate who wants you to have a vote.


Blogger Citizen j said...

Shite, Alex prolly drove one there. I should hope they've made them; think i have an old FMC pamphlet with diagrams of 'em from the early '80s, and i remember Carter pushing the artillery laser out in like 1978. It was on the news.
Can you imagine giving one of those things to some amped up kids? It's not shooting .22 longs.
Take a look at the Judicial Watch video now and tell me these guys aren't sharing editing suites.

12:59 AM


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