Misfits- Skulls
**pours libation for Y, who did the best acoustic version of Skulls eva**
In a parallel permutation of this universe, i embraced my lesser side and am at this point in Iraq, running the base set up in the ruins of Babylon with quite a different program than that of it's counterpart in our reality. I wait impatiantly in the blood-stained reception lounge at the top of the rebuilt zigurat of Marduk-Mahakala, the Kali Yantra on my helm darker than the coagulated icor of the humonunculous that waits with me on the altar. The latest reports of civilian death tolls are a matter of exacting concern for me, and the troops under my command have turned on themselves in an autocanibalizing orgy of possesed frenzy, for the time is short and i will have the work done by midnight, for I have Willed it so. The ICBMs sent by NATO and China to stop me fall from the sky in impotent pieces the size of Fritos, thier plutonium cores blazing deadly beautiful spider webs of oxidizing issotopes over the new Summerian sunset. The Sabath of the 14th will be remembered by the shivering citizens of the galaxy until heat death mercifully blinks out the last of the living, aeons hence.
In that world, the discrepency between the body counts is of personal interest. Here, i just think it's bizarrely skewed, as is usually the case in a war. I don't know why epidemiologists are trying to count war dead, but it think they're out of thier depth.
Instead of war, i think plague is the proper pidgeonhellhole for epidemiological endevour or maybe pestillance and also what of Death?
Did i mention the Rulingness that accompanies the return of IOYC to your interwebbings?

"Girl Gone Enemy Combatant?
Silvia Saint should spend more time working on our relationship and less destroying Navy Intell Offices. Just my opinion.
It's hard to get an accurate picture of civilian dead or anything else when the US and it's allies are around.
Reporters Getting Bombed
Killing a Reporter
Happy Martyrdom Day to all my Brothers, BTW. Wink wink, shuffle squeeze squeeze, murmored Latin.

We're Not Special - FluxRostrum
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