Crossing Imaginary Property Lines
M03 Gr33n - Walk On
Is it safe, Comrades and Babies? Can we come out now?
It's always as safe as the nexus of one's preparedness and willingess to sacrifice. Remember that.
Fight Digital Enclosure and Refuse Imaginary Property.
The FCC and our Intertubes are becoming better aquainted.
This is a Very Bad Thing. To wit:
Steal This Film, Too!

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The first part for those just joining us here on the EPirate Maine:
Steal This Playlist!
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Of course one should (i believe) pay homage to Sri Abbie at the mention of socialized stealing as a means of resisting Enclosure.
Abbie Hoffman - Steal This Movie
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They killed him, you know. Prior to Gulf 1. Yep. Said it was suicide by pills. Yep. Abbie Hoffman, veteran Acid Warrior, the White Panther.
WTF, it's Applied Piracy Awareness Day, Everyday. Always.
Time To Go 10-8, People.
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While researching/media-culling for the RapeJoke (Ep 2 release date: tomorrow) it struck me: some of the killers who kill for a living come back from the places we sent them to kill people in with, like, issues. Wacky, wild stuff. It's like if you feed a pitbull gunpowder and broken glass between fights and beatings it may not work out as a lapdog after a while.
Go fig'.
Post Quagmire Stress Disorder
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Here's a tasty little dish about everyone's favorite sweetener.
Sweet Misery
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Are some of you pukes STILL biting your tiny toenails RE: the sick spacklejob covering the multiple abcessed ulcers on the American Corpus Politi known as Election 2008? WTF? You don't believe the stark reality explicated via The Only Complete™ Compendium of US State Laws Governing Electoral Procedure? Read the codes again; the situation remains the same. After New Hamshire's obviously fudged tally i would think a Citizen pretty fucking dull in maintaining an illusion that the votes of average people are really translated into Diebold (or ESS) electoral entabulations. Besides, who's a reall choice? Fucking Ron Paul? Why, because he hasn't done anything but make money the whole race? Because he's a REAL Republican, and thinks that democracy is opposed to "The Rule Of Law"? 911? Oh, yeah, he'll TOTALLY force a new, unbiased, forensically unimpeachable (L0lz) investigation. As sure as he'll get the GOP nomination he will, no doubt.
Fucking grow up. The best thing to do is to support a third party candidate to underline the point that no-one asked us who we wanted to choose from, or how debates would be run, or aired, or how campaigns would be fairly financed...or anything.
Pick the Darkest Horse.
Since (Psuedo)Democracy Now! saw fit to splice in Dennis The Heinous, as if he was the only excluded Presidential Hopeful, i see fit to firmly point to Hon. Mike Gravel as the Universal Persona Non-Gratia for the 2008 US Presidential Shadow Play. Technically a Dem, but National won't admit it.
Gravel in '08!
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Be Seeing You.
Labels: election, electoral reform, enclosure, film, gravel, piracy, social evolution, steal
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