Tug the Shroud

Drink to the Dead, then move on. Felize Kali Puja, y'all.
I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge
I wish my freind Gene read these blogs. I would thank him here for flying all the way up to Seattle to spend his last few precious days of unmarried life with me, and for making me watch Fight Club. I hated Brad Pitt and Hollywood so much i had nearly missed a brilliant and truly visionary film.
Since he doesn't read this, i can safely tell you that he is, in fact, at least partially Korean.
Which segues nicely into the subject of American Action in Asia, which is not the Pr0n site it should be but rather a manifestering of our waropoly capitalism.
Allow me to expand upon an earlier post. From the entry at the Wonderful Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Stockdale:
On August 4, 1964, squadron commander Stockdale was one of the US pilots flying overhead during the second alleged attack of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident; unlike the first attack, this one is believed to have been a false alarm. In the early 1990s, he recounted: "[I] had the best seat in the house to watch that event, and our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets‚ there were no PT boats there.... There was nothing there but black water and American fire power." Stockdale said his superiors ordered him to keep quiet about this. After he was captured, this knowledge threw a burden upon him. He later said he was concerned that his captors would eventually force him to reveal that he knew this terrible secret about the Vietnam War.
Mr Bungle
This is a favourite way of starting a war, the "they started it!" arguement. The Spanish American War, The Mexican War, driving the people who used to live here in these United States into the desert, even our Civil War were all started using false claims of shots from the other side coming first.
This, i'm sorry to say, illuminates the bloodthirsty stupidity of anyone who gives these claims the merest allowance of credance. Disingenuous is too light a word to label such lies.
Think about it. You're a NVA patrol, it's just you and one other surplus Russian PT boat cruising the delta. 3 guys per boat, one .50 each.
You see a couple US boats. A tad bigger.

USS Maddox, Destroyer
Are you going to:
A: Flip a Rockford and go have some of that Tom Khai soup up the river a few clicks, or
B: Die?
One doesn't attack a US Destroyer in a fucking PT boat. Not without serious complaints from crewmates, delivered most likely in the form of a pistol-butt to the medulla.
The BBC has done a delightful job in painting the picture of why we do that hoodoo that we do so well. Regardez-vous:
Why We Fight
The BBC neglected to mention the facts that Haliburton is based in the Commonwealth, Iraq was invaded by the British in 1914, and that a good portion of our defence industry is owned by British interests. We tend to invade places where the Queen has a stake.
Springtime For Hitler
Where were the U-boats made? Southampton and New Jersey? What exactly were the conditions of the treaty we signed that ended the War of 1812?
Speaker Nancy "Palamino" Pelosi
Hey whatever, huh? At least we've gotten through the worst of Bush II, huh? Fucking eh, it is Christmas, right?
Not around me, lambikins. I don't do that doodoo. There is no Messiah to save you from yourselves.
You are the reason we fight, because you allow Them™ to rule you, you allow Them™ to scare you, and then you pick up weapons when told to and kill whom you're told is enemy.
My gift to you: my undying spite, a continued resolve to work toward the better side of our shared human nature on your behalf until you learn to do it for yourselves, and the solemn oath that i won't kill any of you no matter how very much you ALL deserve it.
This, again, is much more than you will recieve from any other Presidential Candidate™.
¡Jai Maa Jai!
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